Friday, March 20, 2009

The Boys Pictures

I took Colin to get his 4 month old pictures!! They all turned out great. I am glad I waited. Being a new mom, I got Spencer pictures at 1 month, 2 month and 4 months. Only the 4 month ones turned out. The others were stressful and he just looked like a little blob.
I wasn't sure if Spencer would want to participate. He didn't exactly make his 2 year old pictures enjoyable, but he had so much fun and did so good. I guess he wasn't going to let Colin get all the attention.

Here is a picture of Colin and a picture of Spencer at 4 months


Ryan bought Spencer an Elmo cupcake the other day, I don't know how it came to this (I was upstairs) but they decided to get out all the Elmos we own and take pictures with them.

Spencer had a lot of fun with that.


Spencer is only allowed to keep his train tracks upstairs, which is all carpet and the tracks don't stay together very well, so he has found the one place that has tile and set up camp there. He spends like an hour a day at least setting up his tracks and playing in our bathroom.

It is only annoying when I am trying to get ready.

Spencers Fever

Spencer has had a temperature for a couple of nights earlier this week. Once he was better he had these heat rashes on his face for days, I think they show up in this picture, or maybe he just looks sunburned.

Colin 4 months

I can't believe Colin turned 4 months on the 17th. I am glad I made it because now comes the fun part.

He is in the 85th percentile of height, Spencer was like the 97th in height so Colin might be a little smaller when they grow up.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What have we been up to??

That is a good question. Things are finally getting into a groove. Life is getting enjoyable and I don't feel like no matter what I get done, I am always behind. Here are a bunch of random pictures and moments in our life.

Colin finally has gotten an interactive personality, that is always fun because when he smiles I actually feel like he just might appreciate me.

Spencer is always up to something. Ryan has a jar of change on his top shelf. I was doing something with the baby and there was Spencer standing up on the chair trying to reach it. He decided to sit on his knees and wait until I looked away to try again, until I caught him and made him get down (after getting a picture)

Colin rolled over for the first time today. I caught the very beginning and moved it over to the video but I didn't catch it in time. So, here is Colin starting to roll over and just playing.

and this is just a cute picture to end with